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School Trips

Experiences outside the normal school curriculum play an important part in our children’s learning. 

As well as making the most of our school grounds and local environment we also plan a number of visitors to school, school trips and residentials to enrich the curriculum for all year groups.

Visitors and Theme Week

Visitors such as speakers and theatre groups enhance the curriculum and are enjoyed by the children over the year. Our annual Theme Week is a highlight of the school year where we take a break from our usual school routine and dedicate a whole week to a theme. The week is packed with workshops, visitors, dress-up days, competitions and much more.

Educational School Trips

Our children undertake a wide range of educational school trips, which are not only exciting but enrich their learning, encourage independence and help them to access the wider world around them. Day trips include places such as Gatton Park, Godstone Farm, Wisley Gardens, Arundel Castle, Hampton Court and Winchester Science Centre and are linked to topics being studied in the curriculum at the time. 


In Upper School the children have the opportunity to go on residential school trips in Year 4, Year 5 and 6. These school trips help to develop their independence, team work and initiative as well as being great fun, an opportunity to spend time with each other and create lasting memories of their time at Micklefield.

This year our residential programme will be:

Year 4 2-day stay at Walton Firs
Year 5 3-night stay at PGL Little Canada, Isle of Wight
Year 6 4-night stay at PGL Chateau Broutel in France