Games & PE

Our PE and Games curriculum is designed to help the children develop lifelong skills and a love for physical activity. We offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of sports and activities, providing opportunities for children to explore their athletic abilities, develop teamwork skills, and discover new passions.

Our team of passionate and professional teachers are committed to fostering a well-rounded and active lifestyle for all our children. In both PE and Games lessons, we focus on providing a safe and supportive environment for all children. We prioritise the development of fundamental movement skills, coordination, and physical fitness, ensuring everyone builds a solid foundation for future physical activity participation. Furthermore, we emphasise the importance of sportsmanship, fair play and teamwork instilling in our children our school values of kindness, respect, responsibility and resilience.

At Micklefield we believe in the power of physical education to promote holistic development and enhance overall well-being. We are committed to equipping our children with the tools they need to lead healthy and active lives both during their time at our school and beyond.

"Teams have won a large majority of the football, rugby, netball, hockey and cricket fixtures they have participated in over the previous two years." ISI March 2023

During the Autumn and Winter terms, the children take part in a variety of competitive sports including netball, hockey, football and rugby. Fixtures take place for boys and girls during their games afternoons against a variety of local prep schools. We enter a number of small and larger scale tournaments over the course of all three terms. During the Summer term, boys and girls compete in cricket fixtures, including some mixed team fixtures.

"There has been individual success at county level in cricket, netball and in a professional football club academy." ISI March 2023