Reception Nursery Rhyme Visit to Gatton Park

Reception Nursery Rhyme Visit to Gatton Park

Reception visited Gatton Park for a Nursery Rhyme Event.  The children loved their first trip on the school mini bus. There was great excitement as they drove to Gatton Park and sang songs on the way. When they arrived, they were met by our guide Jess and walked to the Education Hut where they enjoyed their morning snack whilst listening to a story about minibeasts.

Next, they set off outside to begin their activities. The children were given a small portable mirror to explore the under growth and search for mini beasts. One of the children found a hidden toad, camouflaged under the Autumn leaves, which brought a lot of excitement! They continued their exploration through the park and discovered lots of plants and even more creatures along the way. They enjoyed singing songs as we walked which included ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ and ‘There is a worm at the bottom of the garden’!

The children were given some ‘mini bee’ finger puppets to place on our fingers and the children had fun being ‘Busy Bees’, spreading the pollen from flower to flower. They also enjoyed seeing a real bee hive in the Gatton Park Orchard.

After this, the children were given a magnifying glass and a brush and were allowed to dig into the soil and look for the hidden mini beasts inside the trays. We found so many things including centipedes, worms, woodlice and an enormous slug!

For the last activity, the children were each given a foraging pallet so they could collect natural resources from the ground. The children created beautiful butterfly pictures demonstrating the different colours of Autumn.

We ended our time at Gatton Park by eating our lunch before the school mini buses came to collect us. Well done Reception on such a successful first school trip!