Reception 'Someone Special' Event

Reception 'Someone Special' Event

Reception enjoyed making memories with ‘Someone Special’ for the Autumn Term. This event was hosted in light of National Grandparents Day (Sunday 6th October).
Thank you so much to everyone who came to visit and celebrate with us. It was a wonderful afternoon for all the children as they were able to share their classroom and time with someone important to them.
The children were so excited for the afternoon ahead. They started by sharing a story together. Then the children carried out some craft activities. They made an Autumnal themed bookmark, decorated a coaster keepsake and a doilie placemat. The doilies were then used for all to enjoy afternoon tea. It was magical to see the classroom filled with joy! They ended our afternoon sharing a second Grandparent themed story.
Thank you so much to all those that attended the afternoon, it was so enjoyable to meet so many special people. We are very much looking forward to our next ‘Someone Special’ afternoon in the Spring Term!