Year 2 Visit RHS Wisley

Year 2 Visit RHS Wisley

Children in Year 2 had a fabulous day at RHS Wisley. The focus was learning about habitats as part of their science curriculum. The children took part in a fascinating workshop in the Clore Learning Centre. They investigated plants by looking carefully at leaves and flowers, by using their sense of smell and through touch. The Teddy Bear Palm tree really does have a crownshaft that feels 'fuzzy'! They also planted nasturtium seeds and went on a woodland walk.
The children discovered a huge range of mini beasts in the compost heap, under logs and in the pond. Amongst these were dragonfly nymphs, stag beetle larva, centipedes, pond snails, water boatmen and lively whirligig beetles. A huge dragonfly flew up close and even landed on one of the children! 
After lunch, the children loved using a special 'Wisley spotter sheet' as they walked through the glasshouse and up to the Hilltop area before returning to the glasshouse to sketch cacti. 
They all had a wonderful day and learnt so much. They can't wait for their seeds to germinate - a fabulous reminder of their day at RHS Wisley.